Innovation and Reliability Make Ritchie Number One
Ritchie Navigation has been a leader in marine compass manufacturing for
over 150 years. From the first liquid dampened compass to today's modern
designs Ritchie Navigation has been critical to the development of the modern
marine compass.
ôWe believe the compass is the most valuable navigation instrument
on any boat,ö said RitchieÆs Stephen Sprole, vice president of marketing.
ôA compass is as important today as it was back in the 19th century. Power
outages may come and go, but a compass never fails.ö
No Artificial Dampening
All Ritchie compasses are built with ultra light weight dial assemblies.
Therefore, they don't need to use heavy fluid to artificially dampen the
movement. Ritchie compasses are filled with a highly refined, very low-viscosity
dampening fluid which allows the dial to move smoothly within the bowl and
lock on to magnetic north faster than other compasses. Ritchie's Dampening
Fluid is also refined for brilliant, optical clarity. The compass fluid
is drawn into the under vacuum thus eliminating the formation of bubbles.
One more reason for Ritchie's quality reputation.Hand Balancing Assures
The Ritchie Compass dial assembly is a combination of components that includes
the pivot and jewel, the gimbal system, powerful DirectiveForce magnets,
extremely lightweight dials and a counter balance tab. Each Ritchie Compass
is factory balanced to assure optimum performance and accuracy.
The Touch of a Master
All the advances in computer aid design and machining can't replace
personal craftsmanship. That's why Ritchie's in-house machine shop manufactures
or finishes many of the metal assemblies that go into every Ritchie compass.
Every Ritchie Compass is assembled under the watchful eye of a master craftsman.
That is a personal value that every Ritchie customer gets, and no other
compass manufacturer can match.
Controlling Quality
The words "Quality Control" are not just buzz words at Ritchie. They
are an integral part of the Ritchie manufacturing process. Meeting high
standards for manufactured components and long-term testing of prototype
compasses and parts assures that every Ritchie compass will provide years
of accuracy and dependability.