Proven superior, named best Radar Reflector by US Coast Guard
... the standard by which all other reflectors are measured Mobri
Radar Reflectors are compact, multi-angular, passive (no power supply) radar
reflector trusted by professional mariners around the world for maximum
radar visibility in all kinds of weather.
Mogens Pederson designed the Mobri Radar Reflector in the late 70's.
His extensive research led to a prototype release in 1980. This prototype
was tested by fishermen and yachtsmen in Denmark against other leading radar
reflectors. There was a significant difference in the range and strength
of the Mobri Reflector over all others tested. This research and testing
was later confirmed by the Admiralty Research Department in England. The
tests showed that a standard corner reflector has a cross-section (a widely-used
method for measuring radar reflectors) of just 0.4m2; the Mobri
has a cross-section of over 2m2. This translates to a range of
up to 3 nautical miles.
In 1998, the US Coast Guard completed an 18-month study
of radar reflectors. Their goal was to find the best reflector for use in
the new recycled plastic channel markers to be used in all US channels.
The Mobri S-2 model was chosen over all others. The US Coast Guard still
specifies Mobri Radar Reflectors as the internal radar reflectors for all
unlighted buoys. The S-2 and S-4 models are designed to be positioned high
in the rigging of sailboats. They can be permanently mounted to a shroud or
backstay or be hoisted on a flag halyard. Its compact shape offers little
wind resistance, does not interfere with the sails, is lightweight, durable
and doesnÆt make noise moving around. The best performance is achieved when
the Mobri Radar Reflector is mounted in a vertical position as high as
possible above the deck in the shrouds away from the "shadow" of the mast. A
minimum of 13 ft. (4m) is recommended. The aluminum reflecting surfaces are arranged
at 90 degrees and staggered at 45 degrees at varying angles to each other
to produce a very stable return on opposing boatsÆ radar screens. For sailboats
venturing offshore, we recommend two units mounted on port and starboard
to allow for heal.
The M-2 and M-3 model are designed for use on powerboats. The mounting
brackets allow for easy removal when the reflector is not in use. The best
performance is achieved when the Mobri Radar Reflector is mounted in a vertical
position as high as possible over the deck. It should be mounted on the
coach roof, targa or a tuna tower, away from the "shadow" of other equipment
such as antennas.
No matter what your vessel looks like, make sure you can be "seen" with
Mobri's unique, low windage, noiseless, chafe-free and light-weight reflector.