Yale Nylon Brait, 8 Plait Anchor Yale 5/8

Yale 5/8" Nylon Brait, 8 Plait Anchor & Dock Line, Per Foot



5/8" Yale Nylon Brait, 8 Plait Anchor & Dock Line, Per Foot

Nylon Brait’s most outstanding feature is its high energy absorption, which comes from a combination of the very long yarn path required to make a plaited rope, and stranditure developed especially to maximize energy absorption.

Nylon Brait produces an anchoring line with a firm strand formation yet full stowage flexibility.


  • Long wearing
  • Supple, easy to handle
  • Excellent abrasion resistance
  • Available spliced and packaged as anchor line or dock line


  • Dock Lines
  • Anchor Lines
Part Number Size (Inch) Breaking Strength (Pounds)
SPA-8PLAIT1/2 1/2 8,300
SPA-8PLAIT5/8 5/8 12,200
SPA-8PLAIT3/4 3/4 17,000