Tell depth at a glance
These high-visibility Day-Glo plastic markers tell you how much anchor line you’ve
let out, helping you to set the correct amount of scope. Our Anchor Rode Markers
are made from heavy-weight, color-fast, fade-resistant vinyl-coated polyester fabric
that will withstand the toughest anchoring environments. They are easy to insert
and easy to read and will not affect the operation of your windlass. Simply insert
into the anchor rode between the rope strands at the correct distances.
One package contains a set of nine color coded markers graduated to show depth
at 30-60-90, 120-150-180, 210-240-270 (feet, yards, fathoms, etc).

- High visibility markers tell you how much rode you have let out
- Made from heavy PVC fabric in three different colors
- Nine markers in total included, showing depths at 30-60-90, 120-150-180,
Not for use with braided lines. |