Boomkicker Boom Track Fittings
The Boomkicker sliding track fitting is an alternative way for attaching to the boom, providing extended travel and additional adjustment options.
The fitting consists of 2 parts, the track and slider attached to the Boomkicker. The track, designed for flat or round bottom booms, also uses the same number of screws as the standard fitting. The slider is free to move, with the stop set by a clevis pin through the track. 3 positions for the stop are provided. With the added range and adjustment, setting the boom height correctly is less critical. To adjust the height later whether it's for a change in setup, a different mainsail, a bimini, or just to clear heads is done by moving the stop pin. More stop positions can be added if needed. Adjustment does not affect downward travel which is handled by the flexing spring rods.